As this thanksgiving approaches and then passes, it's a day or season of happiness. Happiness that excites us as family not just because we get to eat the best of fancy foods but because we get to hang out and watch football (guys) and eat turkey and eat pie and eat leftovers and eat and eat and eat, till we are stuffed to the gills! Oh what a wonderful time it is. Well, not so well for those who are in a season depression because of a lost loved one; mother, aunt, uncle, cousin, far away in another state from family. It's in this time we remember such great times we've had with them. Although things may be exciting for some and not so exciting for others we still have one thing in common on this very day of thanksgiving. Thankful that we have had such great times with those we've lost, thankful that we are alive, food in our bellys and even though you may be going through tough times, we can all relate on this thanksgiving day that it's in thankfulness we can celebrate thanksgiving together oh the Glorious things God has done for us! So be encouraged in this season. Be thankful because it's there that we can all as a human race feel the connection of love on this GREAT THANKSGIVING DAY!!!
Thank you!
Breath from the immortal one!
Ahh the air I breathe. I take a deep breath in and exhale. Such a releasing when I realize the only reason I was able to take that breath was because God the creator of the world gave me life! All that I do hinges on the fact that it's Him the immortal one who deserves the Glory. He gets the credit...yet tangled in a world of economics that physics says if you don't turn something over, if you don't labor, and if your don't work then YOU DONT GET PAID! Even in this world we have to realize all that we have, own, and do is unto the Glory of God if we claim to be such reborn vessels. Well at least that's the way it should be. In the church today we celebrate prosperity. It's a movement that helps encourage a individual to enhance this paternalistic ideology. I'm not a fan of that movement at all and in my opinion that's a simple truth that God does want the best for us. We don't need to make that the focus suppressing others to 'Get Rich and Die Tryin'. Sounds like some kind of song in my barrio that the shorties grow up listening to because grandmas bumping rap music cooking up mexican enchiladas.
Sundays morning worship service and message were a mere reminder of how great our God is. My worship continued as Sunday night rolled around and several of us met up to take our guests or to dinner. The Holy Ghost Riders. Pastor Joe, Behr, Rachel, Leroy and Dewayne gathered with them over at Jims burger haven. A young lady walks up asking for someone to change out her $20 for smaller bills. God immediately prompted me to ask her a simple question.
"Do you know where you are going when you die?" She replied, "no." I asked her if I could help her know in 2 minutes would she listen. She responded with a huge "yes." As I was talking she kept saying I'm not perfect." I reminded her there's nothing she can do right other than believe and confess that she isn't perfect and that Christ died and rose again for her sins. The smile she got at that moment was a reminder of how God sets the captive free. She believed and I said a prayer for Robin as the crew and some Blacksheep (Joe, Dewayne, Behr, Rachel and Leroy) blessed her with prayer as the others joined in with us.
Shortly before a couple guys rolled by on their HOGS and passed, two police officers were drawn over to us. As we had 6 HOGS and an Indian sitting in lot. Soon one of those guys who passed by came back and rolled into lot. He parked far off and so the Holy Spirit prompted me to go talk to him. He introduced himself as Billy Yellow Horse. He was riding and looked desperate and somewhat hopeless. I asked him if he was a Beleiver. He said he had accepted Jesus Christ as his savior. He also told me that he was hurting financially. Who isn't these days right? So I asked him to pull up by us. I wanted to pray for him and his finances and bless his bike. There we were laying hands praying over him and blessing his bike. Dewayne gave him a bike blessing sticker and we went on to bless two other bikes.
God is good and he always amazes me even in my storm. I grabbed what I had cash wise and handed it to him. It was like a chain reaction from the other guys who were with us to hand him cash. God simply said to do good to others especially those in the household of faith. It our Christian duty to help out one another. Helping out comes in many ways and forms but let me share this week has already been filled many of Gods blessings. I'm going to keep running the race and if I can bring some souls from death to life at the same time, IM ALL BOUT DAT!
blessings Pastor AGE
Greater is He...
"Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world."
I mediated on this scripture today and think about how BIG GOD is. God is not just the center of all that I believe in but He extends beyond everything that I can even imagine. Monday's are my sabbath day. This day I am suppose to take time out for me. But it's really impossible as the Lord is the center of my life which then makes me keep on ticking for the love of others around me. Yet not not I but the Lord in me moving me. Is this foreign to many? Would some ask, who are you talking about? It would be to me my life. So with it, I meditate on God day and night. I look at the problems in the world, I give them to God. These are GOD SIZE problems and yes, I won't trip, I'll let Him handle it. A simple reminder of my knuckles tatted 'DONT TRIP'. My wife and I had some prayer this morning. One subject matter; "We gotta have faith." Yes indeed we do. With all the needs, with all the duties, with all the work and with life we can be caught up in the things that bring us to a holt. Or, better said, these are things that will bring us to our knees. Maybe it's intended that way so our "FAITH WILL MOVE MOUNTAINS." Leading me back to the simple but yet profound thought, "Greater is HE that is in me than he that is in the world."
Thank you JESUS (TYJ)
New Web Site
What's up MYX WORLD! I'm glad to announce our new website. It's been a while in the making. This site will be user friendly, mobile friendly, and interactive with music, news, media and more...
I'm excited to see where we go from here. Make sure and visit the site, take a look around and share your thoughts and leave a comment on this blog. I hope you enjoy it. There will be some add ins as we go.
The music page will have free downloads as well as music to purchase. We hope this will be a resource for those who are looking for music to ride to. Again, thanks for stopping by.
Have a super blessed day!
Pastor AGE